From Famine to Fortune: Applying Biblical Wisdom to your Financial Plan test

Posted by: Leo Marte, CFP®, MBA | Jun 5 2023

Welcome to The Bible Money Journal, a brief for Christian professionals who want to learn more about God’s ways of managing money. In each edition, I share a verse, a story, and a money lesson to help you in your journey.

This brief is a resource for navigating the scriptures through the lens of financial planning and learning how to apply them in your life.

Let’s get started!

Genesis 26:12-13
12 When Isaac planted his crops that year, he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him. 13 He became a very rich man, and his wealth continued to grow.

In today’s passage, we learn about Isaac, the son of Abraham, who sowed seed during a time of famine and reaped a hundredfold return. Let's unpack what this means for us today and how we can apply it to our finances.

First, it's important to understand the context of the story. Famine was a significant problem in ancient times, just as financial challenges can arise today. Isaac faced a difficult decision: either hold onto his seed and wait for better times or take a risk and sow it during the famine. He chose to trust God and plant his seed, even though it may have seemed illogical to others.

The results were miraculous. Despite the famine, Isaac's crops flourished, and he reaped a hundredfold return on his investment. This story teaches us that even in the toughest times, there is always hope, and taking calculated prayer-filled risks can pay off in the end.

How can we apply this to our finances today? Here are three actionable recommendations:

Readiness to plant in every season

Are you willing to plant when the world tells you to panic? Whether a job loss, a food shortage, or a health situation, we must be prepared to plant the seed in-season and out-of-season.

Patience and consistency

Building wealth takes time and patience. It's essential to stay consistent with your investments and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations. Instead, focus on your long-term goals and stay the course, even during difficult times.

The mystery of wealth creation

Our role is to be faithful by planting and tending the land. It is his job to grow the seed and provide for our needs. Are you ready to be just as faithful when the land yields nothing as if it yields one hundredfold?

As a Christian financial advisor, I aim to help my clients navigate the complex world of finance while staying true to their values. If you're looking for guidance on how to apply biblical principles to your finances, I'm here to help. Let's create a financial plan that aligns with your goals and values.

Leo Marte is a Christian financial advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. Abundant Advisors provides financial advice for Christians with convenient virtual meetings. Let’s talk if you are ready to make the next move.